Saturday, December 10, 2005


January 6-1989 predictions read. Also predictions for 1990 were read. How is sin and death transmitted to Adam's posterity and what are the ramifications to salvation?

January 13-Implications of Venus' orbit were discussed. Are the scientists missing something here? Can a Christian nation wage imperialistic war?

January 20-War and its legitimate uses. Evan W. read the first chapter in his latest novel.

January 27-Should women be included in non-debate conversations with men if they so desire?

February 3-How should Blacks be referred to? Evan W. read another chapter in his book. Should all right-thinking Christians support an addition to the preamble to the Constitution acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ over our nation's laws?

February 10-How should we look at, relate to, scripture? If it is not to us, is it for us? Is it verbally inspired or propositionally inspired? Is it information to be applied by the reborn or commands to be obeyed? Assignment given to define and defend ones view of scripture's inspiration.

February 17-Assignments read(Greg, Jim, Doug, Terry, Matt, Mark, Wes, Evan). Do all positions reduce to presuppositionalism? Are some positions ultimately provable? Vote taken on Calvinism: 4-free will, 1-both free will and bound, 9-bound. Roles and spheres of government were discussed(family, church, and civil).

February 24-Are the supernatural occurrences witnessed by, and performed by, man, all on the same continuum of magical power with Christ as the ultimate? Is the celebration of Bastille Day equivalent to the Forth of July?

March 3-Is sleep a form of death or related to death? What is the difference and importance of courtesy vs deference? Assignment: Write a deferential letter to George and Babs Bush.

March 10-Letters read on deference. What is its role in society and how do we implement it? Vote taken on commanding our wives to address us in deferential terms. 7-for, 1-against, 1-don't know.

March 17-Stephanie's father, Jim, visited from Texas. What are the qualificatioins for an Elder generally and in our church particularly?

March 24-The effect of exponential growth in technology on theology and human life. Evan W. read a poem on Spring. Was the Constitution a document legitimizing a coup of the Documents of Confederation?

March 31-Unknown.

April 7-Can a Christian be a classical scholar?

April 14-What is Biblical treasure? Should we save or invest? In what? How? In things(possessions?)or in gold. Evan W. read a short story. Accountability of Bill Gothard and his seminar.

April 21-Possibilities and moral ramifications of genetic engineering.

April 28-Bill P. read an essay 0n the validity of Calvinism as opposed to Arminianism. Evan W. read chapter 3 of his second book. Theology will henceforth be considered off limits in Drones discussions because of the prayerful setting needed.

May 5-Reminder about Tuesday evening assignment. Wes C. read chapter three which is a precursor to his previously read chapter four. Evan W. read chapter four of his second novel. Discussion and instruction on plot and plot development. Assignment for next week: Bring a short story plot to exchange.

May 8-Six members attend dessert about preferred forms of government, all have papers. Evan W. holds forth for absolute monarchy.

May12-Plots read and drawn for. Political ironies pointed out. Lybia, ACLU, Trudeau, Russia, dealt with.

May 19-Roy K.'s cantidacy discussed. Wes C. read a short story. Many current events and Bible translations wondered about.

May 26-Is everything economic? Should a contingency fund in case of divorce be required of all prospective husbands?

June 2-Should capital punishment be public? What conditions and requirements? How do we know what we know? Is logic the basis of revelation?

June 9-Mysticism vs Rationalism in christianity. Is one superior? Are they complementary?

June 16-Is it worthwhile, wise, or edifying to go into extreme depth on a portion of scripture?

June 23-Morning of idle chatter and aimless speculation.

June 30-Should our reputation among non-initiates be defended, especially in Pullman? How? Evan W. read a short story written from a plot by Jim Nance.

July 7-Subintroducti, and should we save the trees or not worry?

July 14-Gordon W. read a very short story. The benefits of raising Christian children. The second death.

July 21-How much joy can we take in the apparent hunger for the gospel shown by Eastern Europeans? Benefits and problems with a desire for a classical world view. Doug Jones visited.

July 28-Biblical prophecies and their implications if not fulfilled. Was the 17th century English church accurately reflected by its proponents?

August 4-The Grandrone not being present we retired to the porch and smoked. Our condition physical and spiritual in the after-life was among many items discussed.

August 11-A small group smoked cigars and stared at the walls.

August 18-Are the creative days 24 hour days? What does the text mean and say?

August 25-The nature of life and a virus speculated upon. The likelihood of war in the Middle East.

September 1-Are we made in the image of God? What does that mean? Nature of the resurrection body.

September 8-To what degree is our stewardship over our possessions subject to church sanction and discipline?

September 15-What does being spirit-led mean, how does that manifest itself in the Christian life?

September 22-Is sending your children to public school a sin? When can generalizations be legitimately extended? Are there any value neutral subjects?

September 29-Poems were read by Gordon W. and Matt T. Property rights, who gives them, how are they to be enforced? The state's illegitimate granting of the role of governments in property rights and God's legitimate role in them. Slave trade and slavery what are the allowable aspects of each?

October 6-Unknown.

October 13-Difficulties with and reliability of various Biblical texts discussed and defended. Evan W. read a poem on Fall.

October 20-Should ancient icons and symbols be burned? The dangers of images of Christ and more subtle countenances.

October 23-All Drones Day. Held at Grandrone's. Catered Chinese from the New Hong Kong. After dinner literary contributions proceeded as follows: Poem by Evan W., Stories by John O., Doug W., Wes C., and Evan W..

October 27-Why certain personalities concentrate on passages which result in false piety.

November 3-What's the definition of great literature? What does it do to the reader?

November 10-Election rehash. Short story by Evan W.. Talk of war with Iraq. Matt Meyer visited.

November 17-How good a chance does George Bush have in 1992? How important is the pro-life position going to be? Should we ride it to victory or defeat where ever it leads? Are optimists a sorry lot? Should we be optimists or should we be realists?

November 24-Why isn't the Earth slowing in it's rotation? Do premonitions occur? If so why and how? What did the prophets see? How can we express the unknowable attributes and actions of God?

December 1-Are geniuses possessed? Were great works of art, literature, and music the result of 'demonic' possession? Letters to the editor were discussed.

December 8-Should Logos teach Bible classes? Is skepticism of wild, miraculous claims in the Christian Church(drilling to Hell, raising the dead, talking with angels)a healthy attitude and if so why? Letters to the editor were read and their tone debated. Warnings given. Doug W. has decided to stop attending Drones.

December 15-Compassion in a personality wondered about. Matt T. read a letter to the editor. Violence and its place in a Christian's life.

December 22-The Black's economic condition and why does it persist. Are the Drones racists? Insensitive slobs? Arrogant elitists?

December 29-1990 predictions read. The number correct: Fred B.-0, Wes C.-0, Greg D.-0, Charlie D.-1, Mark K.-0, Roy K.-1/2, Steve M.-1, John O.-0, Doug W.-0, Evan W.-1 1/2, Gordon W.-1/2. Amnesia, hypnosis, the dark arts. Yes? No? Maybe? Inspiration and reliability of the scriptures and their translations. Words or thoughts, which are inviolate?

Thus endeth the year.


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