Saturday, December 17, 2005


January 5-Predictions for 1991 read. Authority of step parents over children questioned. Greek and Roman gods as a reflection of Biblical characters.

January 12-The legitimacy of going to war in Iraq. What are the necessary preconditions for our country going to war?

January 19-The war and its consequences, machinery, and strategies. How did sin enter the world, how is it transmitted? Are babies innocent until they sin, or born sinful because of their nature?

January 26-War and rumors of war. Russia's fate. What is Gorbachev up to? Can he or the USSR survive? Continuation of discussion on what is the mechanism which brings sin or condemnation into each of our lives.

February 2-Varied and aimless chatter. War, Nostradamos, Roberto Clemente, addiction as sin, fate.

February 9-Short history of Satan and the preterist view outlined and debated.

February 16-Interest in Drones Club sweatshirts probed. Matt T. read a paper on time which led to a morning filled with hollow posturing and vain speculation. Quite enjoyable.

February 23-The deficiency of the Roman Catholic Church contrasted with the full blown cults. Is the reconstructionist position mathematically tenable? John Knox, John Calvin, ect. should be looked at as critically as John Wesley by those publishing Antithesis.

March 2-Fallout from the war. What will be the disposition of Saddam? Should George Bush create an imperial presidency? Political speculation for 1992. Our attitude toward our death and our memory. Assignment considered concerning literary criticism of a short story.

March 9-Discussion of the growing obsolescense of books and reading. Assignment given to read That Hideous Strength for critical assessment. Discuss political fallout of gulf war and the morality of a multilevel business marketing stucture.

March 16-Drones defended and questioned at a recent retreat, reports Roger B. Are theological determinists in the same shaky boat that material determinists are in, that is, logic has no value since everything is predetermined?

March 23-Theories of luck. What is it, how does it work, is there such a thing? The conversation quickly took the obvious, belabored tack. Matt T. read a story.

March 30-Enlightening discussion of That Hideous Strength. Sexuality is the underlying driving force in the book. Say what?

April 6-Talk of war resulted in a session concerning the attributes of masculinity. The defining quality of masculinity is AGGRESSION!

April 13-Is cannibalism wrong? Doug's new book on learning, and its philosophy.

April 20-Imperialism legitimized and defined. Its benefits and drawbacks. "We must accept free will, we have no choice."-anon.

April 27-Relativity theory debated and analyzed. Once again Einstein withers under the powerful onslaught of Drones logic.

May 4-The power of Blessings. Is there a metaphysical formula present which can be learned? Jeptha's vow.

May 11-History of the doctrine of the eternality of God. Theological liberals and righteous truthseekers as strange bedfellows in church historical research.

May 18-Can sin be avoided at any point up to the comission of that sin, or are there sins which become inevitable at a certain point?

May 25-Greed, covetousness, desire-their definitions and differences. When do desires grow into sinful thoughts? Short stories with a mood were read by John O., Rob McS., and Evan W.

June 1-Does anything actually have color or are objects to be viewed and referred to always realizing the qualifier of the light or can the natural light be taken for granted? Roger B. read a short story. Indication of an author's spiritual state through his writing. Should a husband communicate his sexual temptation for other women to his wife?

June 8-Authenticity and inspiration of scripture.

June 15-Is a Drones Ball(waltz)a good idea? Is self-control to be directed mainly toward the mind or the body?

June 22-How close have we come to experiencing the spiritual regions through vision, dreams, and prophesies? Science fiction short stories assigned for July 20.

June 29-Supreme Court speculations. Reasons for getting around the pronouncements of the Bible.

July 6-Evan W. and Mark K. were present. Many dark and holy things were discussed.

July 13-Anecdotal Saturday. Stories from the colorful past of the Drones private lives. Attempt to define heresy.

July 20-Three science fiction short stories were read and critiqued. John G. brought a newsletter from Living Faith Fellowship on baptism.

July 27-Would you release the AIDS virus on the world if ordered to do so as an agent of the government? How are innocents legitimately killed in a war?

August 3-Continued discussion of AIDS virus release. Ken Stringfield visited.

August 10-Unknown.

August 17-The difficulties and advantages of having a servant.

August 24-What will happen in the Soviet Union, and what will happen in elections of 1992? To what degree can civilized people enforce their 'civilized' laws on others?

August 31-Disciplining wives. Should rank be pulled simply to let her know who's in charge? What form should discipline take? John O. read a short story.

September 7-Morning devoted to aspects of writing for the Drones.

September 14-What expenditures are governments rightly responsible for? Disease research, transportation? Charlie D. read a short story.

September 21-Is it inappropriate to draw attention to the fact one is being masculine?

September 28-When is it permissible to disconnect a terminal patient? What is heroism, what defines a hero or heroic act?

October 5-How do men enjoy the moment? Should they draw attention to the fact that they are having a fun time? Examples of masculinity given: Mel Gibson, Evan Wilson, Ethel Merman. Is the definition of masculinity essentially aggression or aggression and control? Corollary offered: Ones weenie factor is directly proportional to ones concern for ones health.

October 12-All Drones Day. Tenth anniversary celebration. Catered Chinese at Grandrone's house. Thirty-one attended. Short stories read by John O., Matt T., Evan W., and Wes C.. Evan read two poems.
History of All Drones Day
1984-Panel discussion at Best Western on whether Republican deficits are better than Democratic deficits. Panelists included Doug Wilson, Dean Wullenwaber, Larry Lucas, Derrick Ater.
1985-Jay Shelledy addressed the Drones on the role of the newspaper. Held at Best Western.
1986-Held at the Best Western. Jim Wilson spoke on the Pentagon and the art of war.
1987-Oliver North slide show.
1988-Short stories at University Inn.
1989-Short stories at Three Forks Inn.
1990-Short stories at Evan Wilson's.
1991-Short stories at Evan Wilson's. Tenth Anniversary with cake.

October 12-The Thomas nomination discussed. Do we biblically have any environmental responsiblity as Christians? "The key to affluence is waste." Evan W.

October 19-The nature of romance. When? What? How? Is a wife under the authority of her husband or the government? Under what curcumstances?

October 26-No Calvinist being present, their theology was criticized and completely discredited.

November 2-Are Christian artists to be considered pastors and teachers? Why are European immigrants different from Indians or Blacks? Fellowship, what is it? What is Christian fellowship opposed to fellowship with friends Christian or not?

November 9-To what extent does a Christian businessmen write off bad debts to other Christians? To non-Christians? Is someone frogiven if they don't ask for forgiveness?

November 16-Predictions on the Louisiana governors race. Duke-4, Edwards-2. Feminist view of rape and sexual relations. Are you 'cool'? Is it good or necessary?

November 23-Ron Huggin's letter on Bible translations discussed. Political possiblities considered.

November 30-Should colleges, corporations, ect. be a law unto themselves, unsurping the governmental authorities? Does being a Chrisitan require one to subjugate certain aspects of masculinity?

December 7-What are the dangers of political correctness? When does it become a sin? Is advocacy of sinful positions a sin? Raising righteous children who God promises will become Christian vs their free will not to become Christians.

December 14-What are the capitalistic opportunities presenting themselves in the Soviet Union? Was the outcome in the William Kennedy Smith trial appropriate?

December 21-Why are health costs out of bounds and how can they be reduced? Four married men talked about the validity of counseling to singles concerning sex. The need for male rites of passage.

December 28-The problems and consequesnces of polygamy. The reason for sex. Wives working outside the home. Is it a sin not to have kids? The power of an employer to make requirements of his employees.

Thus endeth the year.


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