January 4-1991 predictions read: Mark-1 1/2 correct, Evan-2, Rodger-2, Wes-1, Gordon-1, Charles-2, John-0. 1992 predictions were read. What parts of the Bible, if any, could be dropped without harming the text? Under what circumstances would a newly discovered ancient letter be added to the canon?
January 11-Can one understand the gospel without being born again? God's immutability?
January 18-Business ethics and practices toward non-Christians in various degrees of sin. Why are we on earth? Do we have a divine purpose?
January 25-Japan-bashing. The pros and cons of protectionism. A husband's role as a securing partner to his wife in different difficult social situations.
February 1-Patent and copyright laws and their moral standing. Einstein and where he went wrong.
February 8-If and when the banks and/or government of the US fail, what will fill the vacuum? How will the people cope? Discussion of I Corinthians 15: baptism, resurrection, and the dead.
February 15-General political potpourri. Evan W. gave a lecture on genetics for John O.'s benefit, John was not benefited.
February 22-Guns. How they should be introduced to children, if at all. God's name. What is it? Do we really know? Inspirational readings.
February 29-Do the dialectically crippled get special parking places? Is our birth or death predetermined or inevitable? Are physical addictions wrong?
March 7-Lost.
March 14-Political fallout of US House of Representatives banking scandal. Christian business association is proposed. Assignment: Propose an educational program for the nation.
March 21-Educational systems debated.
March 28-Pat Buchanan's protectionism. Labor problems vs management. Is there anything positive to be said concerning unions? Primary predictions.
April 4-I came, I read, I left.
April 11-Evan's theory on the nonexistence of time was dealt a serious blow by a very intelligent individual. Difficulties with Calvinism.
April 18-Effectiveness of tracts. Does capital punishment have a deterrent effect? Assignment: Poem that effectively expresses 'Manliness'. "Not everything is a slippery slope, Evan."-Mark K. Environmental concerns. "Progress is of the devil."-Al French.
April 25-Discussion of Satan and his history. The nature of God.
May 2-Is the public a sponge, sopping up what the liberal media feeds it? Poems on manliness read.
May 9-Doug W., through correspondence with Ron H., has favorably reexamined Evan W.'s view of scriptural inspiration.
May 16 and 23-Scribe on vacation.
May 30-To what extent should we be concerned with others perception of us as individuals worthy of respect? How is respect gained and maintained? What should be our motivation for our actions(dress, deportment, activities)?
June 6-Nothing.
June 13-How can a reasonable discussion between Calvinism and Arminianism be undertaken?
June 20-The group was camping.
June 27-Why, as Christians, do we support men as heads of families, monarchs as heads of nations, ect, and yet feel we need a Presbyterian form of church government?
July 4-At what point does a Christian refuse to obey orders given by those in authority over him? Do we obey our consciences or the orders? Our suspicions? Clear evidence? What, if anything, supersedes our orders?
July 11-Economic possibilities. How to prepare, what to look for.
July 18-All Drones on vacation.
July 25-Creedalism. What is true creedalism and its strengths and weaknesses? Rodger B. returns from Romania.
August 1-Analyse it before you criticize it. Should fear or dread be an element in a wife's relationship with her husband?
August 8-Discussion of lay suffrage as a Biblical mandate.
August 15-Republican Convention. Barbara Bush's comment on abortion and homosexuality. Assignment: Five philosophical bases for life for those who have none. Husband's need for plotting time. Philosophy of music. Are rock& roll and the blues truly possible for a Christian?
August 22-Assignments read. 16 attended. What's the difference between putting a lollipop and a cigar in your mouth? One is harder to keep lit. Drones Miranda Statement: "You have no rights." What are sublime enjoyments?
August 29-Luke 21:18. Is there a discrepancy here in what will happen to the disciples? Mike C. read his bases for life. Are there aspects to humility in Evan's bases for life? Can we begin a feudal clan association in our lives today?
September 5-Different aspects of the extent of the law in our lives. Should an adult man obey his father? Assignment: Write your own obituary.
September 12-Obituaries read. Political landscape discussed. Differences in marital motivations between the sexes.
September 19-How much government is society is desirable? Gun laws, traffic laws? Was Randy Weaver guilty? Assignment: Letter to the Editor. Does poetry take us into the metaphysical more believably than prose?
September 26-Lost.
October 3-Also lost.
October 6-All Drones Day.
October 10-The Boa Constrictor Argument is discussed and analyzed. It's strengths defended, and weaknesses declared. John O. demonstrated how five 'and's can be used in a row in a sentence, and have it make sense.
October 17-Political potpourri. Is a presentation of God and the gospel in the public school a good thing? Is math worth worrying about to the whole man?
October 24-Holidays and their celebration. What are the Biblical guidelines and prohibitions?
October 31-Election predictions. What is the future of our country? What will be the revitalizing influence? Is military conquest the best way of spreading the gospel?
November 7-Election rehash. What did Bush do wrong? To what degree is the Bible inspired? What's wrong with torture? Substance abuse, how much is too much?
November 14-What should our attitude be toward our betters? One of thankfulness or one of inspiration? Christmas's significance to our children. Should we be thankful for our neighbors financial and physical blessings?
November 21-Homosexuals in the military. Changing role and face of the church.
November 28-As Christians, what does God owe us? The desire of our hearts, salvation, our needs? Doug W.'s paper on Christ in the Old Testament criticized.
December 5-A discussion of Doug W.'s essay on 'Christ in the Old Testament'. What can legitimately be assumed from the textual references concerning the Divine's appearances to mankind.
December 12-Suicide when death is inevitable. Is it ever preferable or allowable? Possible assignment: The 10 Commandments at your home.
December 19-Is there a date set by God for our birth and death? Is a Bulverism a valid method of argument? Assignment: Write the Ten Commandments for your home.
December 26-What would you do with one million dollars? What makes Evan Wilson enjoyable to be around?
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