January 7-Predictions read for 1995. "Think about it, then pop off."-John Barry.
January 14-O.J. trial. Political euphoria. Those who kill abortionists.
January 21-How many gods are there? What is the definition of 'god'? Equitable taxation.
January 28-Marriage contracts and necessities. Is a social contract required for marriage in God's eyes?
February 4-Discussion of two natures, sinlessness, and discipleship.
February 11-Critical discussion of Promise Keepers. Raising kids.
February 18-How is Adam's sin problem passed on? What is really wrong with the Clintons?
February 25-The ethics of returning merchandise. Clint's evil side.
March 4-Corporal punishment in school and society. Was Christ's atonement qualitative or quantitative? Discipline of a wife by a husband in a milquetoast marriage.
March 11-Should a parent provide for the children's college education?
March 18-The creation of light, day, and night in Genesis.
March 25-A discussion of Calvinism's five points. Assignment-research total depravity. Wilson's plumbing.
April 1-Creation questions.
April 8-LFF controversy.
April 15-Alan Keyes controversy. Evan says Keyes will be a major player at the convention, prominent mention for at least VP. John says he will be a cipher by then.
April 22-What's really bad about the Oklahoma City bombing? Is eating someone after you've killed them additional sin?
April 29-Should we encourage criminals to turn state's evidence?
May 6-President Clinton's problems. Immigration.
May 13-Are home schools and private schools on the way to a battle over philosophies?
May 20-The importance of rites of passage in our lies. Our society's need for ceremonies or customs to confirm life's progressive stages.
May 27-The appeal to homosexuals in advertising. Censorship or not?
June 3-Movie review of Braveheart. To what degree does or should superstition, like casting lots or divining, determine our decisions in life?
June 10-CEF report. Is Shawn O'Grady a hero? Solid advice given Clint.
June 17-Coffee maker troubles. The Internets future. John claims he could get away with murder. The 'b', 'a', and 'w' words were all used this morning.
June 24-What theological crisis or watershed are you currently considering?
July 1-No report.
July 8-Where do our 'rights' originate: The Constitution, God? Is the Constitution hypocritical?
July 15-No report.
July 22-Review and critique of Credenda. Does a woman's personality make her actually appear more or less beautiful to men? The future of the Internet.
July 29-What are the Biblical directions in leaving a church? The coming Republican leadership.
August 5-Grand Drone on vacation.
August 12-Grand Drone on vacation.
August 19-Ethics of a public defender. Is it better to have a society where some innocent are convicted or where some guilty go free?
August 26-Ramifications of just war thinking.
September 2-Can Christians bring themselves to righteously kill other Christians? "Reality has a way of catching up with bad theology"-E. Wilson
September 9-No report.
September 16-Possible problems with a Christian being a public defender. Cattle castration techniques. Original sin expounded upon.
September 23-Christian excuses for sin. What is patience and forbearance? How should we as Christians deal with other Christian's shortcomings?
September 30-Ins and outs of the O.J. trial. Verdict outcome predictions. Guilty-3, Hung-2, Not Guilty-1. Pure capitalism's pros and cons.
October 7-O.J. aftermath.
October 14-Is it better to live in the country or the city? Is it morally superior to home school your kids?
October 21-The 'appropriate' use of profanity, cursing and filthy language.
October 28-The neo-Amish, familial isolationism attitudes debated.
November 4-Rationale for government action. Moral necessity to autocratic justification.
November 11-Should one send $250 to an elderly man in Las Vegas so he can win a sweepstakes prize? Is capitalism just a series of rip-offs?
November 18-The tendency of propriety to increase the moral fiber in a nation. What is a "Bulverism"?
November 25-Home school vs private school.
December 2-To what extent should we take advantage of government programs and projects? How much government can we argue for? Is each of us simply drawing the line on the slippery slope at a different place?
December 9-Our role in disciplining wife-beaters. Our favorite types of government.
December 16-Persona development and critique. The appropriate role of sports in school and a students life.
December 23-Is Christmas an enjoyable season? Reformed dealings with one nature of the believer. If you grant free will must you jettison omniscience?
December 30-Predictions read: M. Knecht-2, E. Wilson-1, C. Cook-1, R. Boothman-0, J. Sheppard-1, R. Potter-0, T. Smalldridge-2, J. O'Bryan-0, R. Knecht-1. Definition of a Drone-A male who regularly attends Grand Drone sanctioned activities. Should Christians rejoice in the execution of a criminal? Should torture be added to death in the punishment of certain capital crimes?
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